Friday, February 20, 2009

An attempt out of nostalgia

There are some delicacies which give me intense nostalgia about my childhood days. "Peda"(an indian sweet) is one among them. There was a small dairy shop somewhere near to my house that used to sell immensely delicious pedas. How much I used to drool over them!!..Haa...can still feel my mouth watering :P. I've had pedas from a hell lot of other places, but I swear, nothing could beat those yummy yummy ones of that teeny-weeny dairy shop. Unfortunately tht shop was shutdown long back and since then my cravings for such scrumptious pedas have remained unquenched. 
Till an year back, according to me, cooking was an art or an innate skill which could be mastered by only a few. I considered it as the terrible of all, when, out of helpnessness, I had to plunge into the world of cooking and recipes.But, like most of my thoughts, this also turned out to be a misconception when I started realizing that cooking ain't any rocket science and that with a little diligence and patience, this also becomes an interesting task ( especially when what you cook comes out well). So coming back to Pedas, recently I happened to stumble upon a recipe for pedas which I found to be really effortless. And its because of its easiness, that I decided to give it a try. 

Here's the recipe that I followed and here's the output

This might be the most easiest of all the peda recipes and trust me, its more than "tooooo gud".

P.S :- Kindly bear with the not soo gud photography of mine :P


  1. god!!!really, u made that?
    looks awesome...
    donnow about the taste..
    mind sending me some?:P

  2. he he..will send it next time when I make :D

  3. i like pedas too.. i can't forget the "dharwad pedas" that i tasted in dharwad. just delicious they were.
